Does Your Business Really Need Digital Marketing
Introduction: Digital Marketing
If you can imagine then try to imagine living in a time when there was no internet. At least you would have to picture your lives in the early 1990s when the use of the internet was not common, in fact, it was quite rare. You will notice that some of the most successful brands and business organizations that are still present and thriving today were also giants back then as well and these brands and business organizations did that without the use of digital marketing.
The Use Of Digital Marketing And Its Need
The use of digital marketing became increasingly popular in this century. When people across the globe started having easy access to the internet and when social media became more of a necessity, the use of digital marketing skyrocketed. Nowadays, every brand or business organization is using digital marketing to influence and motivate their target audiences into taking the desired actions. But does your business really need digital marketing? This increasing trend of digital marketing has somewhat allowed people or rather brands to think that no businesses can survive without using this marketing tool. Even though this marketing tool is quite literally amazing but knowing when and why you should use it is and should be the main concern of every brand or business organization rather than blindly following the latest trends.
Over the years many brands and business organizations have been quite keen to hire Wikipedia editors and page creators for their marketing as well. Along with that many brands across the globe have been using social media marketing quite regularly too. Now, all these are tools that allow brands and business organizations to reach certain objectives, mainly to create awareness and engage their audiences but the question is whether every brand or business out there needs it or not.
Most brands and business organizations sometimes forget that it is not digital content marketing that allows them to become successful but in fact it is their continuous right decision making that allows them to create a leading position for themselves in the market.
Traditional Marketing
As stated above there have been many successful business organizations and brands over the period of time that have become successful using the traditional methods of marketing. So, digital marketing is not necessarily the only option available for brands when it comes to marketing.
There are certain types of traditional marketing that are still quite effective when it comes to getting the brand message across to the target audience. Brand recall and creating brand awareness is something that can be done very effectively through the use of traditional marketing as well and that comes with many paths like SEO, PPC, SMM, and email marketing.
It is a known fact and according to many reports and experts, it has been discovered that an average person spends almost six to eight hours in front of a screen on a daily basis. Now, while six to eight hours is quite a long time to spend in front of a screen but there are still sixteen more hours in a day where a person might and does feel the need to go out and experience the physical world. That is where traditional marketing is quite effective.
The use of billboards, T.V advertisements, newspapers, and magazines are still considered to be quite an effective way of marketing and advertising even in today’s world. Flyers, pamphlets, banners, and brochures are also effective means of communicating to your potential customers. Availability of flyer templates and brochure templates on various online graphic tools has made a task easy for every business owner.
All in all, marketing is one of the most core functions needed by brands to survive in the business world. Whether it’s digital/modern or traditional marketing, it can only be effective if the marketer knows the target audience well.